What I've Learned from the @theKCInfluence Mastermind


I’ve mentioned a couple times on here, that I’m currently in the Mastermind Class with @theKCInfluence. And I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again….It literally is the best thing I have done for myself in a hot second. Today I’m taking over their social media feed to share about my experience, and a few things I learned along the way. Nothing is ground breaking or earth shattering, just simple little reminders that sometimes as adults, and busy moms & wives, we’ve completely forgotten.

Tip 1. You don’t need a license or official credentials to chase your dreams. This was one of my biggest hangups. I have two degrees in something else, and I’m currently not using them, and that’s OK. Am I using the life skills I got getting those degrees? Yes. Was it a waste getting them? No. Will I consider some kind of formal Interior Design Training one day? Maybe.

Tip 2. Meet your community in person. Technology is so great, but there is nothing that will ever surpass face to face connection. One of my most favorite things about the last several months, is all the absolutely incredible women I have met, and am now lucky to call friend! So get yourself out there. Go to that event. The first one you go to is definitely scary, and nerve wracking, but you will be SO glad you went! And if you need a buddy, holler, and I’ll come with you!

Tip 3. Be YOU. This world doesn’t need you trying to be somebody else. They already have them. They need YOU to use your gifts, your talents, your voice. Christine really encouraged us to see what we have that’s unique. What’s the one thing/s that sets you apart? Lean in to THAT, and start running.

Tip 4. Don’t over think your pictures or be too self critical. This is something I have to fight daily. I think we all do as women. My eye looks a little wonky in this, that angle is my worst enemy, etc, etc, etc. Lately my number one criteria when I decide about a picture is this…..do I look happy? Do I look like I’m having fun? And while life is not always a big rainbow fruit salad, by golly getting to create a piece of the internet is a gift. Doing what I LOVE is a gift. And none of this is lost on me.

Tip 5. Plan about 70% and then let.it.flow. Over the weekend, I definitely sit down and make my myself some sort of plan for the week. Some weeks my creative juices are flowing a little better than others, but I really like to have in mind what I’m going to do. If I have some sort of creative block, then I write maybe a word or two, so later I know the general direction that I want to go in.

Tip 6. Rest. Rest. Rest. As a creative person, you have to rest. I cannot create, when I am consuming information all the time. I’m also an Extrovert // Introvert. I love my friends, and live for a good margarita session. But I also tell my people that I’ve used all my words for the day, and I’ll chat tomorrow! Ha! Reading, baths, exercise, Bravo, date nights, church….these are all things that keep me centered, relaxed, and feeling my best!

Photography by @BethGrimm

Mastermind Gals L to R:

@jesslynn_adams @Mrsandsis @chrstineclark @lumifinejewelry @managingthechaos @lifegardenstyle